Privacy Policy

This Notice explains how we at DataTracks collect, use, retain and disclose Personal Data collected from you on our website.

Who We Are

At DataTracks we assist our clients in preparing error-free regulatory reports, on time and with minimal effort.

We prepare more than 14,000 XBRL statements annually for filing with regulators such as SEC in the United States, HMRC in the United Kingdom, Revenue in Ireland, ACRA in Singapore, MCA in India and EU regulators such as ESMA, EBA and EIOPA.

Honed by over 19 years of experience in preparing more than 400,000 compliance reports in XBRL, XML, iXBRL and EDGAR formats, our solutions and services are designed to assure quality, reliability, security, and ease of use.

You can find more about us at

We are the data controller for the information we get from you on your visit to our website.

Our Commitment

Our information handling practices are continually reviewed to ensure that they comply with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 2018, United Kingdom Data Protection Act, 2018 as well as “Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information Rules, 2011” under Section 43A of the Indian Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008.

Information Collection

We collect your Personal Data in the following ways on our website:

  • Through information provided by you when you visit our website
    • You fill up our ‘Request a Quote’ form and submit your Name, Email Address, Contact Number.
    • You fill up our ‘Contact Us’ Form and submit your Name, Email Address, Country, Phone Number, Company.
    • You chat with us using the chat software, we collect your Session ID, Name, Email Address, Phone Number.
    • When you connect with us on call, we collect your Phone Number, Name and Email Address to contact you back.
    • When you connect with us by sending us emails, we collect your Name and Email Address to contact you back.
  • Through information provided by you while registering
    • You fill up our Registration Form and submit your Username, Password, Your Name, Email Address, Organization Name, Street Address, City, Post Code, Country, and Telephone Number.
    • You agree to receive our marketing material through emails by checking the checkbox on registration form showing message, “I am happy to receive marketing material for related services from DataTracks or its associates”.
  • Through information provided by you as a registered user of our website
    • You upload files that contains Personal Information of the Shareholders of the companies or entities, that is, Name, Age, Residential Address.
  • Through log files
    • As registered user when you access our website, we collect your Username, Page accessed by you and your Access Time Stamp.Through cookies on our website
  • Through cookies on our website
    • The cookies collect information about you when you visit our website. For more information about cookies, please refer to the ‘Cookies & Trackers Information’ section on this Notice.

Information Purpose & Usage

We use the collected Personal Data for:

  1. Providing you our iXBRL Service
  2. Contacting you for providing our Solutions and/or Services
  3. Providing you with the Marketing Material that you have opted for
  4. Answering your queries or technical issues or complaints
  5. Tracking your activities on our website as our registered user
  6. To evaluate, develop and improve our products and services
  7. For market and product analysis and market research
  8. To send you information about our other products or services which may be of interest to you

We retain and use your Personal Data as long as it is necessary for fulfilment of the respective purposes as specified in this section.

Lawful Bases of Processing your Personal Data

We process your Personal Data by relying on one or more of the following lawful bases:

  • You have explicitly agreed to/consented to us processing your Personal Data for a specific reason such as direct marketing.
  • The processing is necessary for the performance of the contract we have with you or to take steps to enter into a contract with you.
  • The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation we have.
  • The processing is necessary for the purposes of a legitimate interest pursued by us such as marketing, product analysis and market research.

Choice & Consent

On our website, every page that collects Personal Data from you, states the purpose of collection of information. If you agree to the purpose, you can provide your information and thus give your consent to us to use the information provided for the stated purpose.

If, at any point, we decide to use your Personal Data for a different purpose, we will notify you and obtain your consent.

You can withdraw your consent at any point in time by reaching out to us at the details mentioned in the ‘Contact Us’ section. Consequences of withdrawal will be communicated to you on contacting us and on your agreement, your request for withdrawal will be processed.

Cookies & Trackers Information

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the website.

Most web browsers allow you some control of cookies through browser settings.


Outlined below are the categories of cookies along with a description of what they are used for.

Necessary cookies These are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable website visitors to log into secure areas of our website, use a shopping cart or make use of e-billing services.
Statistics Cookies They allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.
Preferences cookies These are used to recognize users when they return to our website. This enables us to personalize our content for them and remember their preferences (for example, their choice of language or region).
Marketing cookies These cookies record users’ visits to our website, the pages they have visited and the links they have followed. We will use this information to make our website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to our website visitors interests.


We may also use trackers on our website and other digital properties to collect data about you.

To know more about website cookies visit –


We use services of A2hosting, IBM Softlayer and similar Cloud Computing companies to store your personal information that you provide us on our website. These companies provide service to us under extremely strict confidentiality agreements and do not have any independent right to share this information.

We use ‘PayPal’ and ‘WorldPay’ as payment gateway to facilitate payment and process your order.

Personal Information collected from you will not be disclosed without your consent. Exception to this is when such disclosure is necessary for compliance to any legal and/or law enforcement obligations. We will do so after following necessary due processes.

We will make every effort, where possible, that such mandated disclosures are communicated to you.

Data Security

We are committed to protecting your Personal Data in our custody.

We take reasonable steps to ensure appropriate physical, technical, and managerial safeguards are in place to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, and deletion.

Data Transfer

Where DataTracks processes data on behalf of you it shall comply with the GDPR and DPA requirements.

Data processing is essential for the services provided to you and is carried outside the UK, i.e., in India and you have agreed to it through the agreements signed by you.

DataTracks further acknowledges that it imposes the same obligations on our Group Companies outside the UK, as those which are imposed on the Company under the GDPR and DPA.

Click here to obtain a copy of the security and safeguards document. For more information, Click here to Contact Us

Links to other websites

Our website has links to third-party websites. We will not be held responsible for compliance with data protection requirements or the content of such websites.

Children’s Privacy

Our website is not designed to be used by children aged below 18. Personal Data of children will not be knowingly collected by us.


Notification of Changes

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Notice at any time. We will update our Privacy Notice with a new effective date stated at the beginning of it. Our processing of your Personal Data will be governed by the practices set out in that new version of the Privacy Notice from its effective date onwards.


Rights provided to you under GDPR and DPA

In case you are accessing the website from within the UK, we are committed to providing you with the following additional rights which you can exercise:

Rights under GDPR and DPA How we facilitate your rights
Right to be informed

We aid this right to you through our Privacy Notice.

Our Privacy Notice communicates how we handle your Personal Information collected through our website. For any further information, feel free to contact us.

Right of access You can contact us to get access to your Personal Information along with information regarding its purpose, disclosure, categories of Personal Data, storage period, source of collection of Personal Information, confirmation whether or not they are being processed.
Right to rectification

As a registered user of our website, you can rectify your details anytime by accessing your account and editing the profile details.

As a visitor, you can call on the support contact number available on our website to get the information corrected.

Right to erasure You can contact us to get your Personal Information deleted or erased.
Right to restriction of processing

You can contact us and request restriction of further processing in case:

  1. You contest the accuracy of Personal Information provided to us and you would like to restrict its processing for a period enabling us to verify the Personal Information.
  2. You think the processing of Personal Information is unlawful and request restriction instead of deletion.
Right to data portability You can contact us to get your Personal Information in a structured, machine-readable format and if you want, can have it transmitted to another organisation.
Right to object The information provided by you can be used for direct marketing purposes. You can choose to stop receiving them at any time by contacting us or choosing Unsubscribe option in emails sent to you.
Right to not be subject to Automated decision-making, including profiling We do not process your Personal Information for automated decision-making including profiling.
Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of an alleged infringement of the General Data Protection Regulation.

For the purposes of the UK, the supervisory authority is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the contact details of which are available at:


We will verify your identity when you exercise these rights. For exercising your rights and getting information about any limitations which apply on them, you can reach out to us at the contact details given below.

Contact Us

For any further queries and complaints related to Privacy, or exercising your rights under GDPR and DPA, you could reach us at:

Name: Harish K C
Email ID:
Contact number: +91-44-40089000

DTracks Limited

Belgrave House, 39-43 Monument Hill,

Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8RN

United Kingdom

Your queries will be addressed within one month of receipt of such requests. In case of any delay in addressing such requests, the delay will be communicated to you within a month of receipt of request.



